luni, 28 martie 2016


N-am scris nimic. Dar daca as scrie as scrie o singura carte cu o singura foaie. As da-o umanitatii si tie.
Lumea dureaza putin mai mult din cauza ta.

Cantatul m-a salvat azi ca de fiecare data. Am alergat bezmetic la acelasi copac care imi soptea ca probabil daca voi canta la apus de soare, dupa cantatul unei pasari care viseaza la fel de mult ca mine ceva bun se va intampla la capatul lumii.

Ce se intampla cu tine? De ce efectul tau asupra mediului meu e ambiguu?
De ce cazi?
De ce clipesti si ametesti cand mergi pe mijlocul versului meu?

Drumul il pierdem de fiecare data.
Il scriem de fiecare data pe urmele prietenilor nostri.
Il lipesc pe obrazul tau in fiecare noapte.
Ia-l in brate pana cand revine realitate.

Dansezi pentru ca pur si simplu nu poti opri
Incerci sa traduci lipsa unui a fi
Pentru ca nu apartii
Si niciodata nu vei putea
De fiecare data
A vrea inseamna
A nu avea
A renunta
A nemuri

In my attempt of translating all of those wishes you surrounded me with hope, you embraced me and it seemed all well. Unfortunately I just can not take, this is more than a burn, darling your mind is like a storm and I can't, I just can not step into it every single time. You've thrown this storm out of fear, wanting  not to escape, I'll give you my thoughts, close your eyes darling, you're my favourite goodbye. It's always too late and all you want to be is Cain and all you keep on killing is the better self, today and everyday.

miercuri, 23 martie 2016


Nobody knows the last time that we meet each other. We love the darkness because we are both made from it. Hands of shadows, dusty feet, teeth of echoes, smiles of whispers and eyes of menace.

Trust me, but I can't trust you know
Release me, oh my but I love getting caught
In your shapeless laughter
In your hourglass of my naive happy never after.

Reach for me,
I will bleed for you in angel colours
Trap me,
Try to conceal me like a dove's last flight
Discover me,
Like I am a ruin of what you loved the most.

Let's last,
Let's dive into a poem that we will never write
Fight battles,
As we will always seek the light,
Bleed like me,
As you could never love
A darkness like yours,
My all, my nevermore.

It is a tragedy,
For us to belong, as belonging becomes together
Let's separate,
Bitterless lust, abyssal forever

marți, 22 martie 2016

Of sins, love and charm

If you could see what I have seen you wouldn't dare to look at me the way you look now. I've been through all of the bleak corners of your mind and discovered myself amongst your thousand other women. Other faces in familiar places that you try to destroy with a bohemian smile.

My feet are bruised from running through your narrow streets. Test after test, blink after blink you treat me like a drop in the ocean. I run through your hands like grains of sand that look to return to the desert. But for me you, you are like water. 

All of the men I've come across have been like water. Passing through my hands, ephemeral, cold yet in need to consume it and you desire it not out of lust but out of need. Water gave me the opportunity to cover temporarily, ecstasy and bliss, escaping and dominating. What do you do? Where do you go when his frail mind becomes the sea? Oh my dear water why did you say: I’ve always been one to feel contrite Is it too late now to make things right?

Who are you I ask? Each and every single time. The answer never comes and I am always confronted with the echo of my own voice. Where's your echo? Where's your shadow? I am still waiting for the backdrop. No, no, it's completely wrong. This parade that you put for all of the fools would work sometimes for those that believed in a love that is complete and mysterious and dissolves onto a cascade of miracles. 

I need shadows, echoes, shame, darkness and an incomplete dandy. Put it all together and I shall bring you boxes with paint, drama and maybe a bit of fear. 

Darling, no map can direct how to ever make it home. Therefore let's escape today. To your favourite nowhere, just climb onto my ghostly staircase and let's balance on these pieces of wood like they're wonders.

About falling:

Darling do you like falling?
I've bruised my name on the edge of your palms
You said you would do no harm

My love do you like running?
It is the chase I have longed for
But then you run from all the letters
When I say
Do not leave, love me a little less
Dream of me a little more.

Sleep well my number three disaster
Straight into the black hole
That our minds 
Paint me a canvas 
Shaped like a  polka dot laughter.

Fragmented Hope

  Sometimes we simply overdose on fragmented hope. Because we try to forget on the bottled antidotes we found in the sentimental value of ot...