miercuri, 7 octombrie 2020

Narcissism and breadcrumbs


For those that are or have been with a narcissistic partner - the patterns of their love stories go in general terribly wrong.

I've somehow through my emotional trajectory managed to attract them and live with them and mould my heart around their sandy & icy clouds. I've heard their golden stories and seen the empires they claimed - it's a game, it's a play throughout their entire lives.

I've learnt you can not experience true love with one but breadcrumbs of feelings / emotions / facts - it's never the entire loaf - it's breadcrumbs of love and imagination to keep you locked on the position - a loner in a relationship in the Kingdom of You Will Never Really Know.

It all starts enchanting and then transforms into a dungeon, from the heat of love and happiness to the burn of lies, deceit and pain.

It all starts with a beautiful mirror, that attracts in the background of your portrait butterflies and Edenic plants to an ice cold portrait of criticism. 
Unfortunately the narcissism that you share you life with lives a tragic and distructive life, carefully disguised with lies and the image of the false Self.
This false Self, knows it all, loves anger and inflicting pain onto others.

If you're battling such relationships and live & love in terror please know you are not alone. 

While trying to balance the tight rope of a fake reality and a fake self they keep throwing arrows at those who are competition or refuse to idealise them.
It's abusive, it's painful and you might get lost along the way in the charismatic persona of your unpredictable partner.
He's forever innocent and guilt seems to somehow not match his vocabulary In any way, as if he purchased his words from the most noble markets of words.

These over the counter toxic words will create a nest where you're invited to stay, you're the antidote that needs to be loved and tortured and act like a source of energy.
Disagreements are not options - the goal is to obliterate the target.

Please know one thing loving yourself is the first step from healing from a narcissistic lover. Chose yourself. Chose the truth.

miercuri, 17 iunie 2020

Awake your inner hero

Welcome to the sanctuary.

My name is Liz and I’m here to guide you on opening all the doors that lead to your inner soul. It may not be a place that you know and it’s fine to feel lost at first, but we’ve got tea and poetry - psychology and a lot of soul.

There are many times in life that you may have been asked to fit in a box and be the good woman or the good man. Do the things to make your family & loved ones proud, do something that’s in the eyes of society that’s seen as giving a sense of achievement.

In my eyes, in my world that shines so bright you are not made to fit in a box. There’s no such thing as a standard mind - a standard type of loving yourself and others - there’s no such thing as fitting.
As bruised and confused as you might be I have to tell you this - you are a work of art. And your mind is rainbow - every single day.

But most importantly - I’m here to help you find your inner super-hero. Whether it’s mythical - from Ares to Poseidon, Afrodites to Hera - to your day to day movie heroes, whether you find yourself in Game of Thrones or in Joker. 

Your vulnerability is a sign of strength. Your pain - your constant changes and your ways of building yourself back up - piece by piece.
I’m here to tell you to break the chains of the foreboding joy like therapist Brene Brown so easily calls it. You’ve ever felt that joy of living life that’s so beautiful and raw and your health swells with passion, warmth and joy? Well, add foreboding, that element in your own soul that at the same times fears and is apprehensive about experiencing this.
I’m here to tell you that you’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg when It comes to your soul. We’ll speak about connection - about nature - about art and how every single moment is about loving and discovering yourself. Deeper and keeping that superhero within alive and building his powers day to day.
Life isn’t about playing it safe. It’s about coming out as a lotus from the mud. So make a risk - whethever it is emotional - whether it’s a connection - or battling anxiety, depression and many other monsters.

Take the risk and let the superhero find joy - stop overriding life.
Your sanctuary won’t be in the realm of folding laundry, checking your phone for the very same pieces of nothing and sitting in traffic getting angry.
We’ll be taking your through meadows - on a spiritual walk and a mental dive - colouring the surroundings from within us.

- Welcome to your super-hero practice -
- Starting August 1st

Fragmented Hope

  Sometimes we simply overdose on fragmented hope. Because we try to forget on the bottled antidotes we found in the sentimental value of ot...